Thursday, January 1, 2009

Board Exam Failure

Date drawn: June 10, 2008

Second Chances
By Theresa Soberano, Editor-in-Chief
Published: “The Crusader” of Pasig Catholic College, October 2008

The bi-annual examination that is every Accounting students’ dream and terror, an obsession as it is a haunting nightmare; the CPA Board Exam is the final test that will be the deciding tool for their future. However, failing on the “first take” is never a reason for losing hope. Look at the sunny side up – there will be no more half-guessing how the tests will go and there will be better preparations for the next one.

And it is not as if the department’s educational system should be blamed. The highest possible quality of learning is assured by hiring professionals that are fully adept at their respective fields. The Accounting students’ cognizance and proficiency are continually sharpened and enhanced by contests held both inside and outside the school; seminars and trainings aiming to hone their intellectual as well as social skills are continually facilitated. It had been six years now since the Accounting curriculum was extended to ten semesters to include a couple of review units in order to make the students more efficient and competitive.

Remember – sweeping something big under the rug doesn’t make it go away; it trips you up and sends you sprawling when you venture across the room. Not passing the Board Exam is no small thing, but instead of resisting what you really want and wallowing in your loss, think why you took the program in the first place. As one Accounting professor puts it, “You will not be here in front of me if, even once, you did not dream of being a CPA.”

Good luck, JPIAns! A Passer’s Tribute is waiting for each one of you. ■

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